September 7, 2020
Sacramento, CA – California Secretary of Labor Julie A. Su issued the following statement on Labor Day:
“As we celebrate Labor Day here in California and across the country, we are reminded of the sacrifice and resilience of workers throughout our history who have advocated and organized for safer and more just workplaces. This pandemic has shed an important light on the value of workers lifting up their voices, and of employers who are good partners and value those voices. It’s evident when we look at construction employers who provide meaningful training and are able to reduce risks, learn about COVID-19 cases, and stop the spread before it happens. We see it in union employers partnering with janitors to support infectious disease training to keep workers safe, empower workers to speak up, and prevent outbreaks. In contrast, we have seen devastating consequences in workplaces that fail to value their workers. Workers’ rights are not just about laws, they are about workplace culture.
“From medical professionals to garment workers, teachers to childcare providers, and grocery, agricultural, and logistics workers—you have put your lives on the line to keep our state safe, fed, and in good care. We thank you for your service, commitment, leadership in workplaces and communities across California.
“In the face of a global pandemic that has also caused a global recession across the world and here in California, the Administration remains focused on providing additional support to the unemployed. This Labor Day weekend, unemployed Californians eligible for the Lost Wages Assistance program has started to receive the $300 more per week in benefits. California applied early for this federal program, was initially approved for three weeks of payments and now has been approved for two additional weeks. Eligible Californians will get $1500 on top of regular UI and PUA benefits.
“Labor Day is not just a holiday, it’s a call to action, and we hear that call. We remain committed to returning millions of Californians to higher-quality jobs, ensuring effective enforcement and outreach, and supporting young workers who are entering the workforce at a time where, absent the right interventions, they could see long-term harms to income, security, and health.”