About the Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Our Vision: A California economy that works for all

Our Mission: To ensure safe and fair workplaces, deliver critical worker benefits, and promote good jobs for all


Departments and Boards

The Labor & Workforce Development Agency oversees seven major departments, boards and panels that serve California workers and employers.

Agricultural Labor Relations Board

The California Agricultural Labor Relations Board guarantees justice for all agricultural workers and stability in agricultural labor relations by protecting, implementing, and enforcing the rights and responsibilities of agricultural employers, employees, and labor organizations.

Department of Industrial Relations

The California Department of Industrial Relations protects and improves the health, safety, and economic well-being of over 18 million wage earners and helps employers comply with state labor laws.

Employment Development Department

The Employment Development Department is responsible for the state programs involving unemployment insurance, disability insurance, payroll tax collection, and job training and workforce services.

Employment Training Panel

The Employment Training Panel works to ensure that California businesses have the skilled workers they need to remain competitive by helping to fund training for current workers and unemployed individuals looking to re-enter the workforce.

Public Employment Relations Board

The California Public Employment Relations Board promotes strong public sector employer–employee relations by administering public sector collective bargaining unit laws and resolving labor relation disputes.

Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board

The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board is an independent administrative court system for workers and employers who wish to challenge Employment Development Department decisions concerning Unemployment Insurance.

Workforce Development Board

The California Workforce Development Board is responsible for the development, oversight, and continuous improvement of California’s workforce development system.