We train workers for good jobs, enforce labor laws to keep them safe and secure; and administer benefits to help them in times of transition. The Agency oversees seven departments, boards, and panels that serve California employers and workers.

News & Updates

Working on fire cleanup? Here's how to stay safe

If you have been hired to clean up a property that has been burned or damaged by fire, your employer is legally required to protect you from danger that may remain after the flames are put out. This includes identifying any dangerous chemicals and toxic ash and providing you with safety gear. Learn more about how to stay safe here.

Essential resources for survivors of the LA fires

Have you been affected by the fires? Do you need information on how to file for critical benefits, searching for a job, or work sharing programs? View our Fire Fact Sheet here.

¡Conozca sus derechos! Manténgase seguro trabajando en la limpieza de incendios

¡Conozca sus derechos! Manténgase seguro trabajando en la limpieza de incendios

P: ¿Cómo puede mantenerse seguro cuando ayuda con la limpieza de incendios?

R: Si lo han contratado para limpiar una propiedad que ha sido quemada o dañada por un incendio, su empleador está obligado legalmente a protegerlo del peligro que pueda persistir después de que se apaguen las llamas. Esto incluye identificar cualquier producto químico peligroso y cenizas tóxicas y proporcionarle equipo de seguridad.




File a claim for unpaid wages with the Labor Commissioner’s Office.


File a claim for unemployment, disability or paid family leave benefits with the EDD.


Find job services and training available to you through the EDD.
