Claimants Certifying for Weeks Ending March 14 through May 9, 2020
Based on the persistent inability of claimants to access the UI Online system during this time period, if your UI benefit certification form has dates for weeks ending March 14 through May 9, you do NOT need to certify or re-certify for UI payments. For these weeks, this means:
- After you initiate your UI claim and are determined eligible, you do NOT need to provide any certification for your first benefit payment or continuing bi-weekly payments.
- You will automatically receive your benefits unless you have an existing disqualification or pending issue.
- BUT you will be required to provide information to EDD if you worked during any of these weeks.
- The failure to provide EDD with information that you worked during these weeks may result in an overpayment that EDD must later recover.
In the steps for receiving UI benefits, this means after you apply (Step 1), we will take care of Step 2 for you for the weeks ending March 14 through May 9, based on the persistent inability of claimants to access the UI Online system during this time period. You will be required to inform EDD if you work during these weeks through AskEDD and selecting, “Unemployment Insurance,” “Payments,” and then “EDD Paid Me and I Returned to Work, Need to Report Wages.”
Posted: April 23, 2020